Monday, October 15, 2012

Had Lain In Bed Thinking

He had lain in bed thinking about her for hours the night before, and hating himself for not staying and making love to her. thearchy theanthropic theandric thaumatrope theanthroposophy thaumaturgy thaumatolatry thaumatology thaumatography thaumatogeny thanatousia thanatopsis thanatosis thanatophobia thanatomania thanatoid thanatology thanatography thanatognomonic thanatism thalposis thalweg thalerophagous thalassotherapy thalassophilous thalassophobia thalassometer thalassography thalassocracy thalassiarchy thalassic thalassian textuary textrine textorial textology tetrarchy teuthology tetraptych tetrapteran tetrapolis tetrapod tetramorph tetramerous tetralemma tetrakishexahedron tetragrammaton tetradarchy tetrachromatic tetchy tetrachotomous tetanigenous testudo testudinal testicond tester testamur tesseratomy testaceous tesserarian tesseract tessera tessellation tessellate tesla tessaraglot terzain tersive terry terrine terriginous terrigenous terrier terreplein terricolous terrella terret terrene terremotive terrazzo terraneous terramara terraqueous terracotta terraceous terpsichorean ternary terotechnology terminism terminative termagant tergiversation tergal terete terebrate terdiurnal tercet tercel terce teratology teratoid teratogenic teratism tepor teramorphous tephrosis tephromancy tephrochronology tephra tepefaction tentigo tenue tentiginous tentation tentamen tensiometer tensimeter tenon tenne tenendum tenebrose tenebrific tenderometer tendentious tenaille tenaculum temulence temporise tempore temporaneous temporal tempestive